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My name is Juliana Galindo Bermúdez, I was born in Bogotá the 26 of October of 1991. I live in Colombia with my dad, my sister, and my two dogs named Jack and Jay. I miss my mom a lot, but I know she is taking care of us from heaven.

I work at Speaking with Julis, and I am happy because I speak, read and write thanks to this technology.

I was born with a disability that does not allow me to speak. During my first five years, my doctors tried to find a reason to why I did not speak and why my development was slower that the other children, but unfortunately they could not find an answer. Sadly, all my parents heard was that I had a limited life span, that I would not be able to learn and that I could not be self-sufficient.  These words had no scientific base to back them up.

Fortunately, my parents decided to believe more in me because it was clear to them that in the life of any human being there is the possibility to be better, to get better no matter the condition one has; and forever after, they fought for me to be a successful woman.

At school it was the same situation. I attended classes where I received a lot of affection but not enough material to learn. Teachers told me that I would not be able to read and write, and they said that because they did not have the pedagogical strategies and forgetting that the fundamental principle in order to learn is the Communication!

I lived many years surrounded by the word NO. I believe this happens because of the ignorance people have about us, the ones who have a disability.

My family understood my biggest need: To Communicate! And they decided to develop a technology that would allow me to talk, read and write with you, the person who is now reading my story. It was a wonderful idea of my dad. 


The base of the development of all of us is the communication. That is why it is so important that we all learn to communicate for us to express what we like and what we don’t, for us to be independent, for us to learn , for us to relate with others and work. Without communication, all these activities would not be able to happen in our life.

In 2008, they gave me the technology that now carries my name: Speaking with Julis.

From the very first moment I used it, I started to share my thoughts. I learned how to write, and later on, how to write. This gave me the chance to show my family, friends and everyone else that, even if I have a limitation, I can reach the same results.

In 2013 I graduated from school without even knowing how to read and write. I entered Speaking with Julis in 2014 where I received a complete pedagogical formation for the first time. Today I can tell you that I use Whatsapp to write to my loved ones, I read and answer e-mails, and I do my life, just like everyone else,  thanks to Speaking with Julis.

Since 2016, I am working at Speaking with Julis. My job, besides showing the technology that allows me to communicate and do some conferences with my sister, is being the accounting assistant of the company. I receive all the incomes and expenses, I do the relation in excel, I give a number to each document, and file them in their respective folder.


I earn my salary and I love to invite my family each month to eat ice cream or buy myself clothes.

 I enjoy life with my sister. I am very proud of her because she has developed and taken the company Speaking with Julis to many families and institutions (both nationally and internationally) for the good of people like you and me; people that need to learn to communicate effectively in one or several languages. We are so close we even share our friends! 

I love going to restaurants, to travel, to meet people and to go dancing, but my favourite is going to work. I really enjoy laughing, pet my dogs, walk, drive my ATV and listen to music. I even try to sing parts of the songs once in a while.

“I consider myself a happy and successful woman and I ow everything to my family and Speaking with Julis. This technology, with the pedagogical model, has allowed that millions of people, including me, advance in the spoken, written and read communication in English and Spanish.”

What would I want?

I would like for all people to have the opportunity to communicate and to learn.


I would like to take Speaking with Julis to every corner of the world, so that everyone can be listened to, independent and happy in both languages.


I would like for more people to use this tool for them to never have to listen to the word NO again. There are great possibilities that come with being able to communicate in one or both languages.


I would like for schools to give us the same educative opportunities, thanks to technologies such as Speaking with Julis that works for everyone.


I would like for people to look at us like every other person, even if we use a software, a wheel chair, a walking stick or glasses.



I would like for society to evaluate us by our abilities and potentialize them.

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